A ‘tour’ of the weekly highlights

We are still caught twixt the seasons and an unexpected highlight this week was a dawn chorus in the centre of the village including chiffchaff, coal tits and robins all singing loudly if somewhat unseasonably. At the other end of the seasons was a report of the first northern winter migrants in Norwich with very early redwings reported in Costessey. Time to listen out in the evenings as they call out with their ‘seep’  ‘seep’ calls Look out for them in the fields around the village although they can often be seen in small flocks in high trees anywhere in the village.


 Redwing Credit: Ordessa-Steve via Compfight cc

The Autumn migration remains in full swing with continued sightings of birds from previous weeks including ospreys, pied flycatchers still appearing around the county especially on the coast. Winterton is still sporting a bluethroat and Filby Broad the white-winged black tern. Somewhat more discreet but also finding its way to the county are yellow-browed warblers seen today at Titchwell. This is a bird which breeds in Siberia but which migrates through with birds seen and heard in Norwich last year.


Yellow Browed Warbler Credit: Marco Crivellari via Compfight 

There are now large flocks of winter ducks and geese on route for the coast and it is again not long before these may grace the local lakes with their presence. Recent checks of the lakes have produced only Moorhens, Grey herons and mallards who are still a little drab in their eclipse plumage.

mallard (2)


Final highlight of the week was non avian but watched by a number of woodpigeons and collared doves. Last photo for the day is the Tour of Britain which passed through the village and the crowds cannot fail to have been impressed as the peloton swarmed through .


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